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Link Roundup - Machine Learning, Web Development, Rust

esmevane's 'e'
Published: at 12:00 AM
10 min read

Okay, this one took too long, and it’s huge as a result of that. Here we go.

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Machine Learning Stuff

There’s so much of this lately, isn’t there? It’s tough to get away from. And I’m so curious about so much of it. Let’s start with a polarizing opinion.

Algorithmic Disgorgement


Since machine learning is such a salty damn topic, and I feel strongly about it, I want to begin with this and a very clear belief of mine: I think OpenAI, Midjourney, etc., have engaged in absurd amounts of theft of intellectual property. I think they ought to be penalized with algorithmic disgorgement, and rebuild it all from scratch, ethically sourcing it all along the way.

If this means they fail, they fail.

Mamba: The Easy Way


Jack Cook writes at length about training and a new kind of training approach he calls Mamba. I don’t understand it, I can barely even look at the math without my brain falling off, but I’m curious about it.

The Era of 1-Bit LLMs


This is a paper that describes a way to create embeddings that lets you use 1-bit numbers (-1, 0, 1) instead of 16-bit floating point numbers. Then it goes on to talk about how you can use additive matrix math instead of multiplicative. Do I get it? Hell no! Again, no. But the implications struck me just the same:

The paper goes on to say they’ve proofed the output and capabilities of the 1-bit model and observed comparable performance.

The implication

I’ve long believed that we’re looking at LLMs in a pre-utility state. They’re too big, too difficult to train, too experimental, and frankly much of the code I’ve seen powering them is absolutely a hastily-wrought tangled mess. Understandably! But that means we’re looking at legacy systems in the making. The coming days will involve a lot of clean-up.

If we have 1-Bit LLMs, we’ve got a chance to do our first major optimization of performance and miniaturization. That’s going to position us to make tinier models and have them collaborate more. Complex interlocking models in toolkits we can rapidly work with and get feedback from, that’s the future of this kind of computer program.

Finally, in order to embrace 1-Bit LLMs we’d have to do the algorithmic disgorgement, and retrain everything. So we can enforce ethics on retraining points, or at the very least if anyone does unethical shit now… well we know they did it willingly.

Training LLMs From Scratch as a Startup


This is a walkthrough of one org’s journey training a bunch of LLMs on the cheap with rented cloud hardware. This is important because right now the training moat for this stuff is considerable. Only megacorporate sponsors really need apply for some of it. So any escape strategy or local-first training approach is very welcome.

You can now train a 70b model from home


In the same vein as the previous entry, another startup with a DIY journey and strategy that they’re willing to share. This one needs major GPUs but although expensive, that puts the approach well within reach of affordability for a small technology company.



This is a controller system for AI. This is a big one, too. Again, in the grain of making machine learning models production-grade and useful on the household level.

It’s important to bear in mind that most of the time, your models have absolutely no ability to be correct. It’s actually not possible for a generative system to understand things to begin with, much less understand that it’s right or wrong. Any proximity to the truth or fact is coincidence hedged by statistical models that can never actually reach 100%.

It is categorically not possible for LLMs to be factually accurate. So you can’t rely on them, right?

Well, the problem there is that we will rely on them just ‘cause we want to. For most of us, I guess, we just don’t care, right?

One thing the LLM industry doesn’t want to talk about is just how intractable this issue is. There’s no resolving it with machine learning, not presently. What could resolve it, though? Well, formal proofing mechanisms of some kind.

In order to reign in an LLM, you can build an entirely second system that provides you with formal proofing of the subject matter. Every single input for the LLM can be checked against this formal proof, and then flunked until you get accuracy.

Or in other words, for LLMs to function, you’d probably need to build traditional software for it and let it leverage that as a skeletal system, a framework from which it will more accurately feign comprehension and thought.

The problem with doing that is twofold:

  1. You’re still building up traditional software. Gosh! I thought LLMs were supposed to lessen our tech worker burden, not amplify it. Who’d have thought that Bay Area capitalists were lying yet again?
  2. If you’re flunking LLM output you’re going to be rerunning a lot of processes. So everything gets slower and more expensive.

AICI is one, but not the only, way to answer problem number 2, at least. It lets you integrate these proofing systems in the token stream as the models generate them. So it’s not quite as expensive as a full flunk and rerun.

Rust + Machine Learning

It’s not just Rust and it’s not just Machine Learning! It’s a delightful melange of the intersection between them both.


Kalosm is a rust-based kit for doing machine learning work (running models, training, etc) in a way that can be embedded in applications. This means you can do it in your own program, and deploy it wherever you like, and you don’t have to do silly stuff like hitch your wagon to OpenAI’s API servers, then cross your fingers and hope they won’t just come eat your milkshake if you make something cool they want.

Tensorflow Rust Guide


This is a tutorial on how to use Tensorflow, a neural network toolkit, with Rust bindings. Not just a whole lot more to say about this one, except that Holy Shit my browser blocked 72 tracking scripts on this page. Reader beware, I guess.

Rust Roundup

Plenty of these, too! No real salty rants about rust or anything. Sorry. I guess.

Rust Tooling


This is just kind of a top 8 list of Rust tools. I’d like to come back to this when I get elbow deep in my rust side project again. Some cool standouts:



This is a Javascript binding kit for using WebAssembly Components. WASI components are pretty sweet specification for interoperability guidelines for anything that can compile with a WASI target. In other words, WASI components let you be more language agnostic with your tooling and JCO helps that.

Smaller rust bites

These are each still pretty important or interesting, but I can summarize them fast-like, so they’re going in a single list.

General Software

Not specific to any language, but to the craft in general.

Pipeline-oriented Programming


Scott Wlaschin kicks ass in a lot of ways, but this specific article really stands the test of time. This and Parse, Don’t Validate fit in the same mold, really. The notion is that if you pursue certain design approaches, your code can be deterministic even if your IO is not. Pipelines are one approach, and here Scott demonstrates several different languages implementing them.

Wide Events


This is a set of learnings of large-scale observability by a former Facebook engineer. Facebook has a one-of-a-kind observability stack, I hear, and some of the learnings of that stack are in this post. I’m not sure what Wide Events are at the moment but I’m definitely curious! Especially as I need more of it with my day job.

Building a Scheduler, pt 2


This is written in Golang, but has some architectural potential in any language I think. Scheduling resources will be important for me for my side project, as it has a stack provisioning feature set that I don’t want to be stupid about building. This might help as reference!

Code Toys

I’m calling them toys in the title but these all seem seriously cool in their own way. I’m guessing they’re also fun to play around with, though.



The Electric SQL team is pretty kick ass, and their data tooling is really bleeding edge while using some seriously battle-tested stuff, like for example, Postgres, here.

This tool lets you embed Postgres in a web app or a file, much like you would SQLite. It abstracts all the details of persistence away from you, just letting you access the SQL interface directly.



This takes a webpage and makes it nicer to read. Pretty simple, right? Well, it could be useful for other kinds of tools as well. For example, rendering embedded webpages, or RSS links, stuff like that.



I love Airtable so much, but I wind up wishing I had full on access to the data. If I did, I could do some mean shit with it, you know? Let my users mess with air tables instead of building interfaces for them, or maybe embed little DBs in my web projects, like I would a WYSIWYG editor. This thing looks like it does just that! And maybe it works with PGLite?

JSON Canvas


Speaking of cool interfaces to use in a webpage, this comes from the Obsidian team and lets you embed an editable infinite canvas in a web app. It saves to a universal format that can be encoded in a file, too. Maybe this could be another block type in the pet project, too?


That was so many tabs. Oh my god. Hopefully my next round won’t be as bad. Until next time!